Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I've lost my knitting mojo

Picture 035clap
Originally uploaded by Filipina Sakura.
I should be done with clapotis by now but since catching this ass-kicking cold over a week ago, I haven't been able to finish. Believe me, I've tried. I'd get as far as getting it in my lap and holding the needles getting ready to knit...then I get sidetracked. Most of the time I'd have it in my hands, knit a couple of stitches and then...zzzzz. I pass out on the couch. Argh. On the brightside, I am finally satisfied with the length of the straight rows and now I'm in the decrease section. Yippee! I'm in the home stretch then I can finally move on to making some socks.

1 comment:

Shelley said...

Feel better! I got that kick ass cold myself...lucky me!

On the decrease rows...watch the directions carefully! You'll be dropping stitches on both sides....I missed those instructions..and my clap...well....it looks very silly!