Thursday, February 22, 2007

Wicked is effing right

Wicked is officially cast on successfully. This project is seriously kicking my ass. It shouldn't be but it is. I'll have a lot of knitting "firsts" making my first sweater. I was having a hell of a time measuring out how much yarn was needed for the long tail cast on - another first. After the 3rd or 4th try I finally got it. About 3 rounds into the pattern I notice that the part where I joined the round is separating. WTF?! I couldn't figure out what happened but I decided to frog and start fresh. Bad vibes out...good vibes in. *breathe*

I re-cast and by the 2nd round in I see it loosening up and separating again. At this point I wanted to scream. I was sick of casting on, I didn't know how to prevent the stupid part that joins from separating, and all this frogging and re-casting was taking it's toll on the yarn strands. I put it down, walked away and did a little research online for tips. I even contemplated going to the yarn shop for help but didn't want to because it's so out of my way and too much of a drive from home. I'm also a bit stubborn and like to figure things out on my own. I don't like to ask for help until I admit defeat.

In better spirits last night I picked up Wicked again keeping those tips in mind. The big tip was to tighten the first stitch really well at the join so it won't loosen while knitting. It worked and so far so good. Phew. Can't wait till my next work break so I can work on it some more.

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